Sept. 12, 2022

How to Create and Grow your Personal Brand

How to Create and Grow your Personal Brand

Creating a personal brand can seem to be a dauting task, at the bottom of your to-do list, one on your wish-list or outrightly a mythical idea.

Yet, the recent data points around personal brand are hollering quite the opposite which is personal branding works and it is here to stay.

Joining host Surbhi Dedhia on this engaging episode is Michelle B. Griffin who is a personal branding consultant and a visibility strategist. Michelle runn two very popular podcasts and will also soon be a published author. Her methodology towards building your personal brand is simple and actionable.

Throughout the episode, Michelle shares her systematic approach to building a personal brand and examples of how one can embark on personal branding journey systematically and benefit from it too.

This episode has lots of tips that you can take back to your world and action it.  Hope you enjoy this episode.

Here are some useful links:


Podcast :

The LinkedIn Branding Show Podcast:

The 365 Creators LinkedIn community:

Michelle mentions various personality tests on the episode, here are the links:

[00:00:00] Surbhi Dedhia: hello, Michelle, welcome to The Making of a Thought Leader podcast. It is absolutely my pleasure to have you finally have you on the show. 

[00:00:08] Michelle Griffin: Oh, my goodness. It is so good to finally be here. I know we worked really hard to make it happen and it's so good to see you and meet you face to face and talk about my favourite topic thought leadership.

[00:00:19] Surbhi Dedhia: Yes, absolutely. Before we dive all into the exciting stuff that we are gonna talk about why don't you introduce yourself to the audience? 

[00:00:28] Michelle Griffin: Yeah. Okay. Well, thank you. Well, I am Michelle Griffin. I am coming to you from Pensacola, Florida in the states, and I am a personal branding and public relations strategist.

[00:00:39] Michelle Griffin: And I really focus on helping what female entrepreneurs, founders really stand out and be seen in their space. And I do that with public relations and personal branding, all falling under the umbrella of what we're talking about today. And that's thought leadership. So, I'm excited to break it down.

[00:00:56] Michelle Griffin: I'm also a speaker or trainer, a podcaster myself. I actually have two podcasts. I have the business of you and also the LinkedIn branding show with our friend, Michelle, Jay, Raymond also a community founder and a kind of dabbler in a lot of creating and, speaking as well.

[00:01:13] Michelle Griffin: So, I do a lot of things because my main mission is to help more women founders step out and be seen making an impact and being paid, brilliantly with the expertise they have to share their gifts with the world. 

[00:01:27] Surbhi Dedhia: How amazing is that! Before we go to the PR part of it, Michelle, I want to go into the rabbit hole of personal branding. You speak so much on LinkedIn, on your podcast about personal branding Is it, is it like thought leader as a word thought leader is also, everybody is now talking about personal branding, personal branding. You should have a personal brand. And often actually both the terms are mixed up thought leadership and personal branding. Tell me, how would you really describe personal branding? And the second part of the question is why, should people even look at personal branding? 

[00:02:02] Michelle Griffin: Oh, good question. You're right. You know, you and I are active on LinkedIn and, and really all over the web. We see the terms, personal branding and thought leadership, and it's kind of fluffy sometimes. It's misused and misunderstood and the way I practice it and believe in it, it's the intentional and strategic way of crafting who you are and how you wanna show up and serve others in the world.

[00:02:26] Michelle Griffin: So, it's crafting a very informed and authentic of course, narrative of who you are. Showing that to help others and to share points of view and to share problem or solve problems rather. So, it's being very strategic with your professional reputation and, you know, there's even the word reputation gets thrown around a lot.

[00:02:45] Michelle Griffin: There are some people say, you know, you have a personal brand, whether you like it or not, and you have a reputation. Well, to me, personal brand is just taking that reputation management into high gear. And I have a seven-step framework that really addresses how to do it because let's face it. There'll be people who just get on social media and say, I'm doing personal branding and maybe that's a case, but I do it with an ROI approach.

[00:03:08] Michelle Griffin: Mm-hmm or a return on opportunity approach by stepping out, being known and sharing ideas and solving problems. You are becoming that go-to that top-of-mind person in your space because let's face it, if you are not out there being visible and sharing your thoughtful ideas, how are people gonna know you?

[00:03:27] Michelle Griffin: They really aren't. I mean, in this crowded age, it's never been a better time to build your personal brand, but it's never, almost been a harder time. So that's why something needs to be done. Stepping out now and, and that's exactly what I do. And what I'm, you know, my passion is, and I'm actually excited to be working on some new initiatives specifically for women, founders and entrepreneurs.

[00:03:48] Michelle Griffin: So, we can talk about that later, but that's it, in a nutshell, it's the strategic approach of your professional reputation. 

[00:03:55] Surbhi Dedhia: Absolutely. And I think what you said there really clicked. You know, kind of it's, isn't it an ironic time that at, we need to step up on building our personal brand, but at the same time, there's just so much noise out there.

[00:04:08] Surbhi Dedhia: So, if you are really not being strategic, if you're not going by a methodical, systematic approach, it's a hit-and-a miss. So, it is quite ironic that while it is so noisy, you still have to stand out and the way you do it is with proven strategies. 

[00:04:25] Surbhi Dedhia: And then the, the other part is that, why it should not be overlooked is because the fact that there are all these fuzzy terms out there. A lot of this fuzz needs to be debunked and, approached in a very clear strategic way.

[00:04:41] Surbhi Dedhia: I think that that's where you hit the nail right on its head. Great. You spoke about the seven-step approach share, share with the audience. 

[00:04:50] Michelle Griffin: I'll give you a little backstory about that. So, this is actually a presentation. This comes from a presentation that I did in 2019 called own your message, because I was asked to speak at an association event of technology. IT STEM people and they didn't really know what I should talk about. They just do anything STEM related. So, I'm like, wow, well I'm not in engineering or anything like that. So, the new acronym is seen with art, so communications and art. And I realized in my previous role in marketing and event conference planning that I was around and surrounded by so many amazing gifted people, that they had a really hard time articulating who they are, how to stand out and how to make a message that matters.

[00:05:32] Michelle Griffin: Okay. And so, I created own your message, and this is the seven-step framework that got so well received that day. And then from that moment on, I realized that's the clarity. People need to really show up in the world, but before they do it, they need to know who they are, who they help. So, I'll go through it really quick.

[00:05:49] Michelle Griffin: If you'd like me to a real high level. So, the seven steps all start with Ps because, you know, I do personal branding and public relations. 

[00:05:57] Michelle Griffin: So, the first one is perspective before we can show up in the world and help our, be known and stand for something. We need to know who we are. And so that's taken a real internal. And I do our huge deep dive with my clients who we are personally and professionally to carve out our mission, beliefs, values.

[00:06:14] Michelle Griffin: And most importantly, and you'll appreciate this with the thought leadership mindset is having a unique point of view, right? We don't wanna be in the echo chamber and I that's how you really start standing out is have a difference. So anyway, perspective is the first step in this. Know yourself internally, then we shift to external people.

[00:06:33] Michelle Griffin: Now for me, people, as you know, marketing, we can't help everyone. So, people in this context are your two parts. It's your persona. It's the person, the audience that someone you're here to help, you know, make a difference impact. So that's your persona, but the second tier in how I really differentiate.

[00:06:50] Michelle Griffin: Are your partners. Okay. You need partners to amplify your reach and that could be your community. It could be like-minded industry colleagues, and you're gonna grow faster with a personal brand with partnerships. And I really break that down in my framework and my work. So that's exactly what their needs are as far as your persona and how, you know, how, what do they need, so you can show up and.

[00:07:12] Michelle Griffin: Now the third one is probably my favorited, cuz this is a huge proponent of what I do and what I say people need is positioning. Just like you said, and we talked about it's so noisy out there, right? You find everyone just kind of showing up and then they don't really stand out because a they're not really clear in who they are.

[00:07:31] Michelle Griffin: What makes them unique? Or what they stand for and how they help people. So positioning is the huge part of being differentiated in how you have a unique perspective, solve a problem, or a point of view. All those three can cut, or, or collectively all those three can really help position you. So once you get those three key things who you are, who you help and how you're unique, we go into the fun part and that's packaging now, packaging, isn't like a false sense.

[00:07:59] Michelle Griffin: It's truly creating assets. On and your own platform. I'm a firm hundred percent believer. We need our own platform, right? Social is good but owned. As they say, in public relation, owned media, you own your stuff. So having a platform and studying up profile is going where everyone is, packaging yourself up.

[00:08:17] Michelle Griffin: But that also means, and of course on LinkedIn, we wanna be well positioned as authority, credible authorities. It's also having assets and offers that really show how you help and start a conversation with your ideal audience. So packaging is huge. The next one is so much fun and you'll love this cuz this is what you do.

[00:08:37] Michelle Griffin: It's publishing that's where thought leadership really comes into play. Now thought leadership, as we said, gets kind of Fluffy terms. So I have this program that I'm bringing out called. We all need to be as a thought maker, people really shy away. Like I don't wanna be a thought leader.

[00:08:54] Michelle Griffin: So I have this new thing thought maker. It's a combination of being a thought partner and a thought leader, but we all need to be out there basically sharing our ideas and thoughts so we can really show our expertise. Right. Cause how are people gonna like us and trust us. And that's what personal branding really is. In public relations, creating a favourable an intentional reputation, unless we are publishing our thoughts and ideas.

[00:09:17] Michelle Griffin: So, publishing on our own platforms, social and even earned media is. So important. Now we're getting to the last two. I'm gonna wrapping this up really quick promotion. You know, a lot of us really straw shy away from self-promotion. We think it's being braggy and, you know, salesy and, and done the wrong way.

[00:09:37] Michelle Griffin: It sure is but I look at it this way. Visibility is not vanity, it's being valuable. So promotion is really amplifying your reach by going for public relations and getting really stepped up with press mentions, publicity paid speaking, or even free speaking, right. Presentations, I guess is how I call that podcasting.

[00:10:00] Michelle Griffin: All the things that's gonna amplify you show you and get you to a wider audience. And as you're doing that, this is all the steps that just keep growing and building because the last stage is propel, building your personal brand and thought leadership is never one and done. We are compelling and propelling. So, I wrote about this today.

[00:10:19] Michelle Griffin: Propelling, like I'm about I'm at that step right now, where I'm propelling to another level. So, we stay in our comfort zones and our businesses just, and our, you know, professions, careers just kind of stay stagnant. We have to get in the growth zone to propel ourselves, to go and help in a bigger way. And so that's what propel is.

[00:10:37] Michelle Griffin: It's just keep growing and doing bigger things showing, and that build your trust. Your authority, your community, and all the things that are gonna impact you personally and professionally, because that's what it is to show up in the world and to make a huge impact with your work and ideas. So that's it in a really big nutshell.

[00:10:56] Surbhi Dedhia: Oh, that's so good. Remember, when we spoke first time, I also shared with you my eight step 8-P process for building thought leadership. It's very close to this. What you said in seven steps. The only thing that I add, one more last one is the place like where you do it.

[00:11:11] Surbhi Dedhia: Right? So sometimes we are. And I mean, when, when I started doing this 8-P process and helping the business owners, it was really very geocentric to where I am, but then I realized that how they could also propel themselves in different places, depending on what there. Goals were to do like how they want to, you know, some, some business leaders may just want to be that thought leader to open doors for their own business and just stay there.

[00:11:39] Surbhi Dedhia: They don't wanna become like global keynote speakers or they don't wanna go out there, build like a whole global empire of speaking arrangements and all of that. But yeah, this is just so phenomenal. With your process, it's very methodical, I think. And it's also very strategic. What I really love about this is that it is from step one, step two, step three.

[00:11:59] Surbhi Dedhia: It's like step-by-step approach where probably your clients have gone through knowing what to expect in the next step or knowing how, how it'll really like giving them that tunnel vision of, okay, where am I going to land up? Now that you've done the seven steps, can you share some examples of how the clients used it?

[00:12:21] Surbhi Dedhia: What did they see as a benefit or how they're actually sustaining it after you've helped them do this? 

[00:12:27] Michelle Griffin: Oh, that's a great question. And you're so right about, when I do the work I do, when I say let's be known and stand out, I'm not saying, you know, be a household name specifically.

[00:12:36] Michelle Griffin: You can, if you want. But, you know, like 99% of my clients, they just wanna be known in their niche is what I see. And they just wanna stand on their niche. We're here to impact. They just wanna be known to the right people, they can impact. So, in the perspective phase, I do have goals and objectives and I'm, I'm so glad you addressed that, but I'll give you some really concrete examples.

[00:12:55] Michelle Griffin: Some of my clients, and a lot of 'em, you know, are women. When I looked at Audience I serve. I'm like, oh my goodness, like 95% of are women. And I love that. So a lot of 'em will be coming from corporate or have left corporate and just really pursue their passion consulting progress. So a lot of 'em come to me and they they're doing work.

[00:13:12] Michelle Griffin: Great work. But they're not stepping into a uniqueness, a niche, a really stand out. So, getting really clear, probably number two and three is where I really do my best work because they're, they're speaking too broadly. Okay. So, I really help say, what, what's your special factor? What is your credibility?

[00:13:32] Michelle Griffin: What are the stamps of approval that you have that we can really position you? But before we really can look at the superficial things, we gotta go to the really internal things. So, I worked with my clients to get super specific. And one of the things we'll do is find a framework like this, or mythology a point of view, because that goes so well with resonating, with the audience mm-hmm

[00:13:54] Michelle Griffin: And the press, because a lot of my clients will either wanna start a small podcast to get out. Or they wanna be on podcasts. So, we have to find ways stringing along, like you said, how is this different? What do I stand for? And why does this matter? So, some of the ways that I've done that is getting super clear on why am I here?

[00:14:15] Michelle Griffin: Like, what is the message I really hone in on their message. And why it matters. So, getting really clear, we'll find a really unique way to position them and niche them because speaking too broadly gets you really in that noisy crowded, saturated world. We live in really no attention. So, the deeper you can get the unique angle you can take will really help get you out there.

[00:14:39] Michelle Griffin: And so, what I really work on is finding like another client of mine. She was a, or she is an amazing executive stress coach and mental health counselor. And we rebranded her to the good rebel. First the first time I started working with her, she will be like the first to tell you, like it is with a heart of love.

[00:15:00] Michelle Griffin: And so she kept calling ourselves like, I'm like the good rebel, the good rebel. I'm like, oh my goodness, that needs to be who you are. And so, she's gonna be starting a podcast on that and doing all these things and, you know, not just that, but just showing up with niching unique positioning, getting your credibility out there.

[00:15:18] Michelle Griffin: I had another client who had all this work with like, Sports teams and press that she had never been using and forward facing with. So, we put that out there to really get stamps of approval for, and my goodness, it's really making a difference with the quality of clients. And that's what I'm either seeing.

[00:15:36] Michelle Griffin: My first time new established clients are getting fast hits on the right clients or speaking or podcast are the ones that are established are going up a notch with better clients and opportunities. So, I hope that in a, without giving too many details, you know, for privacy reasons, I hope I give you some 

[00:15:56] Michelle Griffin: examples.

[00:15:57] Surbhi Dedhia: Yeah, that makes sense. Examples. Yes. And I wanna. Ask you specifically, examples are because, you know just as we said in the earlier part of this conversation, that it is fluffy, it gets like, so how do I begin? And then that's where you gave your seven-step approach and then, okay.

[00:16:12] Surbhi Dedhia: I have the approach, but how does it work for other people? You know, just to think about it in, in to think these examples, like, so I want an audience to really be able to think of these examples and apply them put them in, in their shoes, like where they are, what they're doing and look at how they can also probably choose that goal.

[00:16:32] Surbhi Dedhia: because many times what happens is that when we educate our people, there's lots to read out there about what leadership and personal branding. They, they don't relate it back to themselves. They will not think of them doing these things. And even if they think they they're like, kind of in many of my conversations, I find people don't do not have this window that they can open and say, okay, this is my goal.

[00:16:57] Surbhi Dedhia: All I want to do by building a personal brand is getting known, but that's a very high level getting known where, how, what, how many, maybe even have a goal of, even if you have a target audience, like the audience that the people that you're talking about. If you have a very clear person of who you are serving, probably I just wanna get, I know 10 people know of me.

[00:17:17] Surbhi Dedhia: I want 20 to know. You know, just a number. So that's, that's how it gets even more clearer. And probably people like you and me who assist them to think clearly will be able to help them strategize better. Because if it is only next 10 people that you want to address to. You know, it gets easier from wearing marketers’ hat to, go to the tactics, like, okay, what are the keywords?

[00:17:42] Surbhi Dedhia: What are the people reading in that industry? Things like that, you know? So, it becomes too granular and it helps the other person think better as well. So, 

[00:17:51] Michelle Griffin: absolutely. I, I just have to say you were so right. You know, you'll do a lot of searching on personal branding and thought leadership and one of my favourite things and a great tip for your listeners to see which trending in those things.

[00:18:03] Michelle Griffin: Google is our friend, but if you ever pull up the Google newsfeed, you will see all the latest and greatest articles. And the sad thing is so many of 'em are just fluff. They don't go deep enough. And that's what I recognized and why I really push a framework because mine's stair steps and people can do that.

[00:18:19] Michelle Griffin: So mine's a foundational strategy, but like you say, when we do our goals objectives, my, one of my favourite things is say, metrics matter. We've got to put some tangibility on this. So not only do we put goals and, you know, shoot for some numbers and stuff, all my seven phases have the tactical and outcome things that we do.

[00:18:40] Michelle Griffin: So, when they see what I do, they'll see, oh, well in step four, we make sure your website's good or numbers. Step five, we work on our content pillars or your press packet or your media kit or your bio or whatever. So, I have some real, tangible things that all fit because it's a visibility framework, but it's also building your brand and your public relations to build your reputation and your reach.

[00:19:02] Michelle Griffin: So, I'm a huge proponent of strategy, tactics and actional tips because it needs it. Like we need to help educate as many people in my case, women entrepreneurs to get their message out there. And there's not a lot of. Real tangibility out there. So that's why I'm here to hopefully set that straight. And, you know, we, we both have frameworks and, you know, a lot of personal branders do and, you know, fundamentally a lot of 'em are the same way, but as, as you know, with personal branding and putting yourself out there, the right people are attracted to you because, you know, I work with a certain group and demographic and so do you, and, and all that.

[00:19:36] Michelle Griffin: So, you know, it's just making us known in the right way to the right people. And so, yeah, 

[00:19:43] Surbhi Dedhia: absolutely. Absolutely. There are a lot of personal brand branding, people who can assist you and you, as you said, they probably have all the same methodologies. It's not that we are reinventing the wheel.

[00:19:53] Surbhi Dedhia: It's just that the frequency, how you approach things. And, and also it goes back to the background, right? Like you said, you were from the events and marketing. That kind of a background, which means, you know, you probably used to a lot of organizing, lot of, you know, like clearing the clutter and say, this is, this is how we will go that leadership attitude of step one, step two, step three.

[00:20:15] Surbhi Dedhia: And you know, that, that also helps because in connecting the frequency, not everybody can be working with such a systematic and organized person. Sometimes it can be overwhelming for them. So, yeah, connecting the, the audience and that's. Who you are serving is so closely clear to you. It's the women entrepreneurs.

[00:20:33] Surbhi Dedhia: So, it's very clear. And that's how I, I, I believe that the approach should be there for others who are looking to brand themselves. Great stuff, Michelle. Tell me, what should be the quick wins that people should really look at.

[00:20:48] Surbhi Dedhia: Like for example, you gave us a step-by-step approach of say perspective. Now, in that perspective, step, what should be like a very quick win that they should know that I'm aiming for this when I'm doing step one. 

[00:21:01] Michelle Griffin: Well, I feel like you need to have a really good hold on who you are and your expertise.

[00:21:07] Michelle Griffin: Like it's it's, if you're familiar with the concept of Ikigai, which is the Japanese term of being, I actually find that a tremendous way to look at that perspective, like who you are. What the world needs, what lights me up and what will people pay for? So, marketability. So, we wanna be showing up and using our expertise to help others.

[00:21:28] Michelle Griffin: Right. But in context, it has to be something that people understand and they want in their needs. So, taking a real good four step approach, because I'll also tell you too, I, I always say put yourself out there. And in my first couple years of my business, I did that. And then people come to your door. And you'd kind of wanna do different things.

[00:21:49] Michelle Griffin: And so, there's a fine balance of knowing who you are and what the world needs, trying it out, but then realizing fast, oh, this isn't serving me the way I want. So be completely self-aware I think is important. First part of your self identity. So, before you can even identify who you are, you have to be self-aware and I actually have my clients go through, not as like, you know, the end all be all, but I'm a huge believer.

[00:22:17] Michelle Griffin: To see as clues. Cause we're looking at clues. When I do my work, I say, look, we're taking everything about you in this phase, the questions and all the ideologies that have, it's like a big jigsaw puzzle we're put in on the table, sort it so we can find the picture and start putting it together. Yeah. So, I.

[00:22:32] Michelle Griffin: I love the Myers Briggs, you know, there's three actual things I'm gonna tell you guys, or I'll offer here. People can do for free. So the Enneagram test, and we can put the links in the show. Notes is a free engram test that kind of tells you I'm a number two. I love mentoring, teaching and helping.

[00:22:49] Michelle Griffin: Okay. That really helps me understand my perspective and how I can serve best. The other is 16 personalities and it is like a, a free version of the Myers Briggs. And I know either, I think I'm an E N FJ. I think I retook it several years later. I'm an E NFT or something. I need to look it up, but I know I'm extroverted.

[00:23:09] Michelle Griffin: I love to talk and I love to help people. Right. You'll take it. And if you're an E you know, you're extroverted and an I is introverted, so that's gonna make a big difference on how you serve and show up. And then the other one is high five. I actually have four disc and then high five. So those are amazing resources.

[00:23:24] Michelle Griffin: I can put those in the show notes, but having an awareness of who you are tremendously helps how you wanna show up in the world. 

[00:23:32] Surbhi Dedhia: Sure, sure. Michelle, this was so good and I'll definitely put all of these in the show notes. Oh great. 

[00:23:39] Surbhi Dedhia: All right. So we covered a lot of ground in terms of why personal brand is so important. What are the steps people could take? How to really clear the clutter? What are the tangible objectives? People can really look at and you give some amazing free test for even the first step. Like how do I know who I am?

[00:23:58] Surbhi Dedhia: Where do I fit in and what is my marketability? So thank you so much for. All that very clear approach on approaching personal brand. Now what you recommend that people should do, like, you know, in terms of the resources, in terms of growing their own thought leadership. Now in this I'm using thought leadership, but then.

[00:24:19] Surbhi Dedhia: Really if we have to identify, like, for example, you talked about this consultant who you helped and she's now getting more clients, but how did she know that this is exactly where she's going to put, her point of view, like the rebel one, like you, you identified for her because that's how she came, through, but how do people really identify their point of view?

[00:24:42] Michelle Griffin: Well, you know, going back to those seven steps, knowing who you are, then who you help. And then ideally the best way to show up online is helping others now, educating, inspiring, empowering all those things that people need. If you talk to the problems that people have and that you solve for, that's gonna get attention.

[00:25:01] Michelle Griffin: You know, people are looking every day. The feeds, you know, there's some people go on the social feeds to be entertained, but especially in a place like LinkedIn people are looking for answers, right. That's how we go and Google. So that's what you show up as. we are showing up with the expertise in the case that I work with to help others.

[00:25:21] Michelle Griffin: So, solving the problems, finding the pain points, the hot topics, everything that your people have or need. Now one thing I caution is don't get caught in the echo chamber to really stand out. That's why I really preach, know who you are internally men externally, cuz I guarantee you.

[00:25:39] Michelle Griffin: You have something that just lights you up as an injustice or something that needs to be changed. In the world and you're here for it and that's, what's gonna really help you stand out. The echo chamber is the worst place to grow yourself and your business because you're not standing out.

[00:25:55] Michelle Griffin: It's okay. And I'm not saying be controversial, but if you see people in your space doing this. and you know that with client work or your own research or insights, that there is another approach that's gonna really help stand out and let's face it. People need to hear it. So, you are doing yourself an injustice by not getting that out there.

[00:26:15] Michelle Griffin: Exactly. And yeah. And so that's why. Thought leadership or thought makers, as I say, really help take that to the whole next level and find those people you're meant to serve, because they're gonna see you as the person who's raising the flag. I'm here for you. I'm here to help you and they're gonna really react and, and are really gonna enjoy your point of view.

[00:26:39] Michelle Griffin: And that's gonna pull the right people to you because we don't obviously help everyone. And so, we put our stake in the ground, our flag in the ground, we are here. This is what I believe, and this is how I can help you. So, so that's my take on it. And you know, my thing is if you don't get out there, how are people gonna know you, but don't fall in the echo chamber because then they're really not gonna know you or not pay attention.

[00:27:01] Surbhi Dedhia: I feel like the other part to this is the sustainability. Recently on LinkedIn, I feel that a lot of people talk there is not much engagement and people get disappointed with that and say, hey, this is not working for me.

[00:27:12] Surbhi Dedhia: But then what is really happening is that they're probably in the Echo chamber talking the same stuff and, and people are overwhelmed. So that's, that's not getting them. It's like a lose. For everyone. So, if you have to have a win win, so what you said is really clear that you have to able your personal brand, how you do it is the seven-step approach or, and also know do the internal work first, so that you know, how you bring value and give value and talking about value.

[00:27:42] Surbhi Dedhia: I think one of. Amazing things that I got really inspired from you was about the hashtag 365 creators’ community. Tell us more about it. 

[00:27:54] Michelle Griffin: Well, you know, I wasn't practicing when I preached or believed. And so, in January of all of 2020, I knew I needed to get more active. I was, my business was growing okay.

[00:28:05] Michelle Griffin: On word of mouth or referrals, but I knew that you have to be a thought maker. You have to be a thought leader. You have to put yourself out there and be visible. And I wasn't doing it despite the fact that I was helping people do it. Right. So, I was called out internally. So, I started on January. My own personal challenge is to post every single day in on LinkedIn in 2021.

[00:28:26] Michelle Griffin: And so, I put it out there and I said, hey, who wants to do this with me? I wasn't preaching. You have to do it. It was just a personal thing. And, you know, back in 2021, about 300 people joined in and did it. Now, we were all in the honour system, but I got in that group and I gave people knowledge and helped people with LinkedIn.

[00:28:42] Michelle Griffin: And it was phenomenal. I even interviewed some of 'em on my podcast and just to see their the thoughts and their insights of what putting themselves out there really did, made all the difference. Now here's what I learned. It grew me personally, professionally my business just exploded by that visibility.

[00:29:00] Michelle Griffin: And being of service and value. I mean, I was giving a ton of value, but it was really hard to do. I am all for visibility, but I don't think you have to be out there every day. So I knew when 2022 came around, people were saying, Hey, are you doing the challenge again? What what's going on? I said, mm I'm not sure.

[00:29:18] Michelle Griffin: So, the story is on January 1st, it was like four in the afternoon, my time, still was on the fence. I'm like, you know what? I can make it. Move the needle three hundred sixty-five times you don't have to post every day, but you show up every day, you just put a comment, you do something to move the needle. And so, I rebranded it as a 365 creators’ community because we need to make movement.

[00:29:41] Michelle Griffin: Now it's not even 365 daily, it's 365 times in a year. If you do that with a post or comment, you are going to see be visible and have traction. So, we're now the 365 creators’ community. We're about 1100 of us. Wow. And I'm in there about three to five days, three to four days a week, giving exclusive LinkedIn tips and just helping.

[00:30:03] Michelle Griffin: We have training. We have audio and LinkedIn lives together and it's just a group to really glow we're global we're creators. All different levels, ages and professions. And it's just a really great group of people. And that's where I'm pivoting now because I'm not doing LinkedIn work exclusively, but I do all my LinkedIn posting now in this community and it's free.

[00:30:21] Michelle Griffin: So, you know, we can put a link in the comments I'd love for anyone listening to join us. 

[00:30:26] Surbhi Dedhia: Absolutely. Absolutely. 

[00:30:28] Surbhi Dedhia: It's a great value, even if you are just in, in there seeing other people's examples. And that's what I meant to say earlier as well, that when you gave your examples of personal branding, how it had help, it has helped your clients it's for people to understand that perspective, get that comparative view that in that other industry, this person did personal branding and just helped gain more clients and how that person kind of kept.

[00:30:53] Surbhi Dedhia: On the personal brand. So, it basically proves that it works, right. Like it kind of gives you that resonance that okay. It works. And how do you kind of take it, adapt those methodologies and put it to your own example or own industry. 

[00:31:07] Michelle Griffin: absolutely. There are people in there, you know, I'll say, well, how's your progress?

[00:31:10] Michelle Griffin: You know, we do. Check-ins I even have an exclusive free streak builder that we use for 12 months of the year. You can chart your progress. And just like give an example. One of our great members, Nikki St. Paul's on July 1st, she pulled up her six months stats. And I, I remember when she started, she was like, gosh, it's crickets.

[00:31:27] Michelle Griffin: You know? Cuz, she works a full-time corporate job. Just, you know, using LinkedIn as to be a thought leader, she started a podcast and she showed her before and after between January and July. And it was phenomenal. There's other people in there who are doing, you know, I'm on my hundreds post or my 400th I'm in, I'm not advocating posting daily.

[00:31:46] Michelle Griffin: Some people do, but they're in there showing and inspiring and supporting each other. And so that's why I have this free community. And I'll be honest people like, why don't you monetize and blah, blah. No, that is how I show up and help my community. And now I'm gonna go all in. Doing all the LinkedIn advice only there, like that's my, one of my new pivots.

[00:32:04] Michelle Griffin: One of my contents. Pillars is changing, you know, as we grow and we grow. But anyway, so if you want LinkedIn advice on how to build your brand and your professional profile and reputation, please join us. We'd love to have you. 

[00:32:16] Surbhi Dedhia: Awesome. Awesome. Michelle, but I had this very quick question about B2B.

[00:32:21] Surbhi Dedhia: You know, now are, are the, are the business-to-business executive corporate side of things. What happens is usually when you say personal brand people think, oh, it is me individual. And I, it is, it, it is separate from. My company that I work at, or they will say, oh, personal brand is just probably for entrepreneurs who are on their own, making something out there on their own.

[00:32:44] Surbhi Dedhia: Right. So, can you speak to this a little bit and is it for everybody to do, or is it for only certain segment of people? 

[00:32:52] Michelle Griffin: Oh, my goodness. It's for everyone. Last year, I was really working with executives and professionals in a corporate space and I was helping them.

[00:32:59] Michelle Griffin: I had lots of clients were like, you know, I'm in marketing and I really love my job. I'm not leaving it, but I really just wanna share my thoughts and ideas, or they have a side hustle, or I've worked with executives who really wanna, you know, be more humanistic in their approach to being friendly and, you know, to their employee.

[00:33:17] Michelle Griffin: To maybe shareholders. So really you don't have to be a CEO. You don't have to be an entrepreneur. It works for everybody. Now there are companies that really are starting to advocate employee branding. That's a thing founder brand. Now there's a great book by Dave Gerhard called founder brand is phenomenal about how founders that you have, start-ups and stuff should really work on their brand.

[00:33:38] Michelle Griffin: He's done noted it, founder, brand and shows and shares, examples of how it really can make an impact. So, anyone can build and should build. If that's something you wanna be known. No, obviously it's personal goals and stuff, but you don't have to be tied to be an entrepreneur you can build and, and listen.

[00:33:54] Michelle Griffin: Here's the thing. When you're building your brand as a corporate employee professional, you are showing your thought leadership, like example, Nikki St. Paul, you know, she has this amazing podcast. She's also sharing her insights, her expertise. So, when it comes time to share her once another job or maybe promotions or internal projects, she's top of mind now she's trusted and known as oh, wow.

[00:34:17] Michelle Griffin: So that's a huge benefit and reason why personal branding, professional branding, working your online reputation, whatever you wanna call it, we need to know the gifts that you bring to the. 

[00:34:27] Surbhi Dedhia: Absolutely. I love the last part. We need to know what gifts you bring to the world. And this is so, so poignant thank you so much for sharing all that you did today.

[00:34:37] Surbhi Dedhia: Now I know people can really find you in LinkedIn because you are, you, are there any other place that you want people to connect with you?

[00:34:45] Michelle Griffin: Absolutely. Well, my website is getting a facelift now and coming out soon. So that is your brand, your business. It's probably one of the fastest domains. I have a lot of domains.

[00:34:55] Michelle Griffin: That'll point to it. So, you can go there. My personal branding podcasts. The business of you, you can find that on all the platforms. Also, if you want really specific LinkedIn help Michelle, Raymond, and I really go at it weekly with non cliche help to build your personal company brand on the LinkedIn branding show.

[00:35:12] Michelle Griffin: So, you can check out all the things that I'm doing there. And my website, hopefully by the time this is published, we'll come out with some other resources and all the things I'm working on with my new pivots and projects coming out. So, Thank you. And I'd love to connect with you on LinkedIn. Let me know.

[00:35:27] Michelle Griffin: You heard me here. I'd love to know your feedback and if you have any questions, reach out to me on LinkedIn and I'd love to connect. Oh, I am at Michelle B. Griffin on LinkedIn, by the way. 

[00:35:37] Surbhi Dedhia: Perfect. Awesome. Michelle, thank you so much for coming on the show. Absolutely. A pleasure to talk to you again. 

[00:35:43] Michelle Griffin: Oh, my goodness. I had so much fun and I'll have to get you in my show because we need to talk about thought leadership and all the goodness and your framework very soon.

[00:35:51] Michelle Griffin: So, thanks so much for having me. 

[00:35:53] Surbhi Dedhia: Thank you.