
Nov. 10, 2023

Reputation Management: Through the Lens of PR

In the times when your digital presence precedes physical presence, knowing about reputation has become a business 101. From large organisations to start-ups, anyone can face a crisis situation. Along with Evan Nierman, the PR and Crisis communication guru, host Surbhi Dedhia discusses how buil…

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Sept. 26, 2023

Design your Leadership style with Enneagram

In the routine of life, we often tend to operate from a default mode. While cultivating and nurturing leadership, it is essential we know each others motivations, fears and also our own. The guest on this episode, Tracy O'Malley shares that we must design how we lead and operate.  Giving her own ex…

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Aug. 7, 2023

Entrepreneurial Thought Leadership with Sidarth Mahindra

Are you an entrepreneur who knows the potential of engaging your audience on digital landscape. And yet, you've been putting that aspect of being online and visible on the back burner? Well, tune in to this episode as our guest speaker today has an advice for you.  Meet Sidarth Mahindra, founder…

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July 18, 2023

Leadership Lessons: Growing and Leading a Family Business

Leading a business is hard. Leading Family Business is even harder as one has to work with familial ties and legacy.  That said, our guest on this episode had a completely different experience as the family business was handed over to him.   Meet Mr. Jaber Abdul Wahab, the group CEO of Bridgeway…

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June 15, 2023

Leadership Lessons: Master Influence By Being Intentional

We tend to forget that leadership is highly contextual and if we were to apply it from one context to another, without changing perspectives, it may not work.  Host Surbhi Dedhia talks to Dr. Karuna Ramanthan in this episode about how leaders can master the art of influence by decoding their org…

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May 9, 2023

Power of Communities to Build Thought Leadership

Each of us belong to some group, such as a university alumni or an industry association or a business group, etc. And we humans like it that way.  When it comes to professional environment, especially for a business owner it can get lonelier and difficult and that's where belonging to a professiona…

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April 6, 2023

Visionary Storytelling To Build Thought Leadership

Storytelling is often quoted in context of building brands. Yet, not every organisation gets it quite right. Either the algorithms have filtered the message out or the organisation is stuck in the echo chamber.   Rahul Mudgal joins Surbhi Dedhia in this episode to unpack the idea of Visionary St…

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Jan. 23, 2023

Boost Your Confidence with Body Language

In developing personal brand, body language is usually the elephant in the room. We all know its there but no one pays attention to. Research studies show that body language count for a whooping 60% of our total communications. The nonverbal signals make up a huge part of our daily communications. …

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Nov. 23, 2022

Building Likability and Trust with Professional Photographs

We humans are a visual species. We are also perceptive which means to like and trust someone we will observe different aspects of that individual. When a personal photo is put up on website or social media site, the likelihood of building connections get higher. A personal photograph showcases your…

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Nov. 2, 2022

Business driven by strong values and leadership lessons

In this episode we steer towards mission driven and values- based business. Recognised for its innovative transperant business offer and doing good, Nobul is a disruptor in the real-estate business. Surbhi chats with the founder, Regan McGee on  How is Nobul bringing the difference in the rea…

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Oct. 13, 2022

Data Storytelling for Building Thought Leadership

The future of storytelling will be visual and data-driven.  And to decipher and decode data in a way that can create influence will be the next level for storytelling skills. In this episode, host Surbhi Dedhia, paints the landscape for data storytelling - 1. How did it all come to this po…

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Sept. 27, 2022

Building Thought Leadership on Twitter

With 500 million tweets and 217 million active users (2022), Twitter is one of the world's popular social media platforms. Many brands - individuals and organisations - are on twitter and engaging their audiences effectively with 280 characters. It is an epitome of short -form content. In this e…

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Sept. 12, 2022

How to Create and Grow your Personal Brand

Creating a personal brand can seem to be a dauting task, at the bottom of your to-do list, one on your wish-list or outrightly a mythical idea. Yet, the recent data points around personal brand are hollering quite the opposite which is personal branding works and it is here to stay. Joining h…

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Aug. 23, 2022

How to Build Thought Leadership with Videos

More than 500 million hours of video are watched on YouTube every day. 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. 45% of people watch more than an hour of videos on Facebook or YouTube per week. 69% of people prefer video over text when learning about a product or service. Above listed…

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July 24, 2022

Bonus Episode: How to Engage Followers While Evolving Your Thought Le…

What happens when a recognised thought leader shifts his focus beyond the existing niche of his leadership?  In continuation of our discussion, Ron shares how he is going beneath - deeper- into the area of Service Leadership and Uplifting Service Cultures to the world of Care. In this bonus epis…

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July 18, 2022

What Does it Take to Be a Thought Leader - with Ron Kaufman

In this phenomenal episode of #TMTLpodcast Ron Kaufman shares foundational concepts on what does is really take to be a thought leader? Ron is one of the world's top 10 recognised gurus in the world of Customer Service. He has built his thought leadership or genuine thinking, as he says, over th…

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July 7, 2022

Reflections: One Year of Podcasting

In one of the new and modern avenues to communicate, podcasting has definitely stayed strong and its outlook as a medium of choice remains strong.  From business owners to corporates, from individuals to partners, there are billions of podcasts out there to suit different interests. TMTLpodcast'…

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June 23, 2022

Personal Bio for Building Thought Leadership

When it comes to personal bios, there are people who have them ever ready and then there are others, a vast majority, who keep pushing writing a personal bio for later. That later never comes. Personal Bios are documents that portray your professional history in a story format. It narrates how y…

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June 7, 2022

Influence with the Power of Your Voice

When we think of someone using voice as a powerful resource, it is natural to think of famous orators, vocalists or singers. In day-to-day conversations and especially in the digital age, using voice to influence is mostly overlooked.  My guest for this episode thinks the opposite. Cynthia Zhai …

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May 24, 2022

How can you get Lucky while Building Thought Leadership?

Luck, usually cannot be isolated and be identified as an element or a variable in a formula that will lead to one's  success. I find that getting lucky infact, is a process. That is a series of actions taken together over a period of time. The free-flowing candid thought sharing in this episodes…

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April 29, 2022

Publishing a Book Elevates Thought Leadership

Inspite of the hyper digitalised world that we live in, a physical book still lends a mark of authority and subject matter expertise to the author.  Building one's thought leadership demands consistency and systematically sharing the knowledge and expertise one has attained over the years. Many …

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April 19, 2022

Corporate B2B podcasts: A great opportunity or another marketing fad?

Podcasts are growing exponentially. Infact, audio streaming overall is on the rise regardless of the topic and genre.  Businesses have also turned their attention to audio streaming to build thought leadership, and to bring authentic thinking to the front.  Corporate podcasts are more popular…

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April 5, 2022

How to Create Content that Stands Out

There is so much happening in the world today and while most of us spend more and more time on digital channels, the content overwhelm is a reality. Content has become an essential to-do for everyone and to build one's thought leadership,  it is one of the most important tool. In this episode…

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March 21, 2022

Public Relations for Building Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership and Public Relations (PR) are interconnected. Today the power of publishing is in everyone's hands; be it on the website or through umpteen number of social media apps. Managing one's thought leadership with effective PR is essential as it helps in validation of content as well a…

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